Pay By Bank Transfer

To make payment by transferring funds to our bank account:

  1. Complete the online checkout process until the final step, then input the details under the PO name and number you wish to include on the invoice. This part is optional and is for your reference only.
  2. Click the green arrow button to place the order.
  3. On the next page you will have the opportunity to download the invoice. Refer to the second page of the invoice for our bank account number and instructions for making payment via wire transfer.

IMPORTANT—If you are paying by bank transfer, please do not convert the payment for your order to AUD. Our bank can only accept USD. If your payment is converted to AUD, our bank will treat it differently, which may delay the release of your license file. We appreciate your help.

Note that some of our customers have asked for an IBAN number, which is a purely European concept. We do not have one since Documentize is a part of Smallize Pty Ltd, an Australian company. Instead, use our SWIFT code to help direct your bank to pay us.

Note: Documentize cannot accept ACH or EFT as they are purely American payment methods, and our bank account is in Australia. Wire transfer is the only acceptable method for funds transfer.

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If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact our sales support who will be glad to assist.