What is a New Release?
A new release is a complete installation of a Documentize product that includes new features and bug fixes. With each release, we provide two types of binaries:
- An installer (.msi) for Windows systems that includes all necessary files: the product library file (.dll), links to documentation, the End User License Agreement (EULA), and example code.
- An archive (.zip) containing only the product library file (.dll) and a link to the EULA.
Version Number for a New Release
The version number reflects the release date in the format yy.mm, where the first two digits represent the year and the next two digits represent the month.
Example: Version 24.2 indicates a release from February 2024. We typically release products monthly, with one version per month. Occasionally, we issue additional releases within the same month if a hot fix is needed. See below for details on hot fix versioning.
What is a Hot Fix?
A hot fix is a minor release addressing specific issues reported by customers or adding targeted new features. Hot fixes are distributed as ZIP files containing only the product’s library file (e.g., Documentize.Optimizer.dll).
Other terms for hot fixes include bug fixes or point releases.
Version Numbering for Hot Fixes
Hot fix version numbers follow the format yy.mm.n, where n represents the sequential number of the hot fix within the month yy.mm.
Example: Version 24.2.1 denotes the first hot fix for February 2024, released after version 24.2.

If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact our sales support who will be glad to assist.